Monday, May 21, 2012


I'm going to try not to turn this in to a mad venting session.


The flights this morning were perhaps the most stressful part of this trip so far. All the students were running behind, no one knew what flight they were on, and the phone battery decided to die. Epic fail. Qantas was a real peach for us though, swiftly getting us through the check in process and moving nearly everyone to the 9am flight. WOW. I didn't even know that was possible.

Fly in plane. Grade. Both equally boring.

Colin picked us up from the airport which was wonderful. It's so good to see familiar faces from last year! Barry greeted us at the end of our twisty-windy-terrifying trip up a teeny road to Binna Burra. The jovial kiwi gave us a lecture about Lamington National Park (we're in it), highlighting some of the wildlife which included funnel web spiders.

Oh, but don't worry, the 6 or so (that he knows of) around here won't be too active because of the cold. Great.

The dining facilities are so nice here... apparently there's a resident bawer bird as well. These little critters make adorable nests (yes I used that word) that they adorn with blue items that they collect.

Post-dinner Barry did his usual bushdancing and poetry which was hilarious watching all the students hop around and dancing in formation. He told his “iron bark” tale as well which was even more entertaining since he often forgot the words. 

The poor bio kids are doing their pademelon studies tonight.. like they need more work. Then again, I'm griping a little since that means more data input.. on top of the 72 module papers I'm grading. 


And I still need to somehow edit my NZ interview questions. 

When I say edit I mean write.  

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